Monday, October 19, 2009

Welcome: Dr. Tharaka Lamahewa

Dr. Lamahewa started work with the Human Performance Improvement group in Canberra. Tharaka joins us on secondment from the Australian National University, where he works as a postdoctoral fellow with the College of Engineering and Computer Science.

Dr. Lamahewa will be working on the wireless component of HPI, and brings with him substantial experience in information theory, wireless channel models and low-power sensor systems.

Find out more.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Talking shop: network interference

So we've got the transceivers running and taking measurements, and have measured a significant number of dense networks on the human body -- 20 or more nodes. We'll be presenting some of the preliminary work tomorrow at the Australian National University but for tonight Leif is testing out the impact of sleep on wireless sensor networks.

This is partly because sleep is a big part of most people's everyday lives, but also (specifically why Leif) because if the project leader won't do it, it's hard to convince other volunteers.

The details of the presentation are here